Sunday, October 25, 2009

Log of September 7, 2008

Sunday Sept 7
0800 Wind backing more North after blowing from the East in the night. Rain has stopped & the clouds are getting higher with patches of blue, but none yet big enough for Dutchman's Britches. We are hoping to run down into the Reach later today, perhaps to Benjamin River.

10-10:30 Hoisted anchors after extensive work the full twists out of the 2 anchors. George retrieved anchors in reverse order of setting.

10:30 Departing Smith Cove noting other vessels struggling with tangled anchor rodes or, in the case of one large wedding cake yacht, attempting to untangle chains with thrusters, twin screws and cursing (he finally appeared in the Castine channel two hours later.)

11 - Tied up at Castine town dock. Drained 6" of water from the dinghy, refloated it & put outboard back on. Also, bought NYT and provisions. The rain of the prior night did a fabulous job of power washing North Wind's cabin top and side decks (although by nightfall they were all muddy again.) Lunch at the dock.

1:00 [aka 1300] Sailed single reefed from Castine in a strong NW breeze. Made good time past Cape Rosier in sparkling conditions. Turned East for Egg. Reach and did a scenic fly-by of Bucks Harbor.
Emerged from Bucks, famished at 3:30 and had 3:40esis aka 20 of 4'sis or 1540esis. Sort of like tea but with no tea.

5:15 In Benjamin River after a leisurely sail in the Reach, the wind having gone light. With Betsy at the helm we missed the awesome ledge by a safe margin aided by the peak of the tide.

* Anchored at the far N edge of the mooring field.
Enough breeze that we could have Dark n' Stormys in the cockpit while keeping mosquitoes at bay.

We managed to have the aftermath without ever really getting the storm. Best of both worlds, really. The rainfall was dramatic.

Castine, Smith Cove, the water around Cape Rosier and into Eggemoggin Reach are my childhood sailing grounds. Beautiful waters with great sailing and a ton of great destinations. Despite this, I have only been into Benjamin River on rare occasions. It was poorly marked when I was a kid, but it is an easy place to get into now with a crowded mooring field. Nice spot, but not a secluded one, by any means.

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